Happy Cat Month: How to Keep Your Cat Happy

September is Happy Cat Month, a purr-fect time to focus on the well-being of our feline friends. At Mount Pleasant Animal Hospital, we know that a happy cat is a healthy cat, and we’re here to help you understand how to make your feline companion’s life in the Lowcountry as joyful as possible. In this [...]

Pet Safety Made Easy: How to Prevent Hazards and Handle Emergencies

Have you ever caught your dog about to devour something mysterious from the trash and thought, “Why do you do this to me?” Keeping our pets safe can be a comedy sometimes, but is essential. At Mount Pleasant Animal Hospital, we do more than practice gold-standard medicine—we think differently. Our knowledgeable team knows that preparation [...]

Keeping Your Pet Comfortable and Safe During the Summer

The long, hot, and humid summer days are upon us, which can sometimes dampen your efforts to enjoy the outdoors. As temperatures rise, your furry friend faces unique challenges that require special attention. Ensuring your pet remains comfortable, safe, and healthy during the seasonal heat involves a combination of preventive measures, proper care, and awareness [...]

6 Things You Didn’t Know About Feline Arthritis

Most middle-aged and older people are familiar with arthritis, a common, chronic condition that can affect nearly any joint. Dogs and cats can also develop arthritis, but cats hide their pain well and display only subtle changes, so are diagnosed less often. You may be surprised to learn how many cats have arthritis, and how [...]

6 Ways to Extend Your Pet’s Healthy Years

Considering that the average human lives 70 to 80 years, our pets’ average 12- to 15-year life span can feel devastatingly short. We all want to help our pets live the longest, healthiest lives possible, and the best way to do that is by proactively approaching pet health, rather than reacting to disease. Your pet’s [...]

Recognize Anything? 7 Everyday Items Toxic to Your Pet

Is your pet living with hazardous materials? Are toxins lurking on your lawn? Is your home sweet home a danger zone for your four-legged friend? We know that sounds a bit alarmist, but many everyday items are extremely toxic to dogs and cats. And, because these products are so commonplace, they’re easy to overlook—leaving curious, [...]

Leptospirosis in Dogs

Leptospirosis, which was once considered a rural disease, is now increasing in incidence throughout the United States, including urban and suburban areas. The disease is zoonotic, which means that the infection can affect humans and animals, including your dog. Our Mount Pleasant Animal Hospital team doesn’t want your dog targeted by this disease, so we [...]

Why is My Dog Vomiting?

Heave, retch, throw up, puke—whatever you call it, vomiting is an inevitable, unfortunate reality of living with pets. In dogs, vomiting can signal widely varied disease processes, from mild, self-limiting issues, to acute emergencies, to chronic primary or secondary conditions. Our Mount Pleasant Animal Hospital team can help you determine the cause of your pet’s [...]

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